Wednesday 7 January 2015

It's rough being the maid

Littlest has been my helper around the house lately. A while back she wanted to sweep, or 'broom' as she likes to say. She was having a little trouble with the dust pan when she looked at me and said, 'Could you help me here?  I'm not the maid.'  Too many fairy tales with maids having to do all the work apparently. 

This week she decided she wanted to run the vacuum. I though that sounded like a good idea, so I got it out for her. The main handle proved to be a bit long, so after some modifications and one section removed, she was off. She still spent most of her time on her knees though. I didn't have the heart to tell her I did some touch up work while she was at preschool. 

She takes her work seriously though. At supper time that evening, she was telling her sisters to eat over their plates so that they didn't get crumbs on the floor. Finally, someone gets it! 

Apparently there was some mess though because she was back at it today. 

Next it was time to fold laundry. She wasn't quite as much help there, but she did point out whose socks belonged to who. 

I wonder at what age sitting in the laundry hamper gets old. Later. 

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